We know that for a company to prosper, high quality clients and products are not enough. It’s necessary that the company is 100% organized, and it’s collaborators satisfied with their positions. For this to happen, the company must have a good inside communication.
When the company has a good communication, the chances of occurring an error or the support quality decrease is drastically reduced. But when the inside communication is poor, the company staff has its productivity reduced because of its loss of interest, motivation and the dissatisfaction with the company or role the person has inside the company.
With a crystal clear and objective communication is possible to grow with a sustainable form, where everyone wins, including the client. For this to happen is necessary a direct communication, being clear what the staff member can or cannot do.
Now days we have a great ally to help us in facilitate the communication: the technologies. Today we have many softwares, apps and websites that makes possible the organization and a better communication, integrating in ways faster, assertive and embracing the company sectors.
Follow some tool tips to make easier your company communication:
The intranet works as a corporation web, where only the staff members of your company have access. It has the advantage where all the collaborators can have an access to customized menssenger of easy reach.
A newsletter use that carries the main information of a company, like workflow, changes in the operations, among others can be a solution. Can be done in digital form, where the staff must be part of it, placing testimonials ans motivational messages, to make the staff members feel important for the company and get interest in reading it.
Google Chat/ Hangouts
Google Hangouts comes along with Google +. The user can invite any person in the chat room as the rendezvous point and all the conversation can be archived for later use.
This web app allows to any businessman with less then 5 staff members creates a free account for indefinite time. It has a storage capacity of 5GB and resourceful tools, like tasks, notes and chats.
Like the app mentioned before, Flowdock has some great resources to make it work like a constant communication tool. It denominate itself as “staff inbox with chat” and offers its own app for mobile and desktop devices.
Another interesting app, because it not only offers chat communication, it’s a suit of complete backend tools for projects that needs to be updated by many users. It posses many free apps where you are able to create tasks, calendars and chat rooms.
That are some of the tools that can be used to improve the communication efficiency of the company. A good communication allied with a good business management and webdesk will make your company grow and prosper.
With a business management software you can control all of your business sector with great efficiency, faster and practical. Online ERP system is capable to connect all your company data in standalone system, making easier to make faster the tasks of your staff members, decreasing the costs, and survey everything that is done in the many sectors of your company.
A good example of everything that was said here is the control of all the online quotations, where you can have a gathering of values of many providers, obtained the best price and the best conditions of buying. The advantage sure huge, and help to save time, money and the increase of profit margin.
Another system with advantage for your company is webdesk, tool that allows for a fast and practical support for your client, completely online, and the possibility of visualization, print and survey billing, in a completely secure platform.
Remember that always when you bring technology inside your company, you are investing in your business to prosper.